Fantasia 2000 is a 1999 American computer animated film created by Walt Disney Attribute Computer animation and Walt Disney Photo as well as released by Buena Panorama Pictures. Created by Roy E. Disney and also Donald W. Ernst, it is the 38th feature in the Walt Disney Animated Standards collection and follow up to Fantasia (1940). Like its predecessor, Fantasia 2000 contains computer animated sections readied to pieces of classical music. A group of stars present each sector in live activity scenes routed by Don Hahn, suching as Steve Martin, Itzhak Perlman, Quincy Jones, Bette Midler, James Earl Jones, Penn & Cashier, as well as Angela Lansbury.
After various not successful attempts to create a Fantasia sequel, Disney revived the idea quickly after Michael Eisner came to be chief executive officer of the Walt Disney Business in 1984. The commercial success of the 1991 house video launch of Fantasia convinced Eisner that there was enough public interest and funds for a follow up as well as designated Disney as executive producer. The songs to six of the movie's 8 segments is performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra with conductor James Levine. The movie suches as The Sorcerer's Apprentice from the initial. Each new sector was written by integrating standard computer animation with computer system generated images.
Fantasia 2000 premiered on December 17, 1999, at Carnegie Hall in New York City as component of a performance trip that also saw London, Paris, Tokyo, as well as Pasadena, The golden state. The film was released in 75 IMAX cinemas worldwide from January 1 to April 30, 2000, marking the very first animated feature film launched in the style. Its general release in traditional cinemas followed on June 16, 2000. Some critics commended the film while others selected its uneven top quality. Allocated at around $80--$85 million, the movie has actually earned $90.8 million in gross profits worldwide.
See more: family youtube video, finger family video, five finger family nursery rhyme
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